Dumb questions from watching videos

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Dumb questions from watching videos

I'm quite unskilled at poker and there are many plays I see in videos that I don't understand the logic for. Maybe there other like me who have questions like these.

Btn opens Q3s, BB calls
Flop: T43r
Btn says it's good to bet large here, bets 2/3rds.

What's the logic for this? I see a lot of small bet from button. I get the logic for the small bets
Btn has position and BB is going to have bunch of air and will have to over fold a lot of flops so small bet become very plus EV.

Btn also has a range advantage bc BB never has over pairs. I'm not sure how this plays into sizing tho. Bc yes, btn has OP but has lot of crap too, so idk if that's a reason for a big or smaller bet.


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Shaun Pauwels 4 years, 6 months ago

Btn also has a range advantage bc BB never has over pairs

Range advantage and advantage in the top of range isn't always the same.
If you look at both players ranges and look at T32 you will notice that 3 and 2 connect better with BB than it does with BTN. So while the top end of the range is in advantage that falls off when we get to 3x and 2x.
So the betsize is based on the advantage that it has, the overpairs. Might include Q3 as a semibluff?

Which video was this?

Flggyuw 4 years, 6 months ago

I cant remember the exact video, sorry

are we semi bluffing this size here bc our 3 is probably the best hand but does require some protection. Is the reason we bet big to incentivize eg A7o to fold. does this mean we our playing a mixed strat here and not cbetting everything small? are we checking some hands?

villain has A2o, A3o (depending on what you open, according to snowie these hands are not opened. i would if SB v BB our not 3betting enough) 43s, 42s which btn doesn't have. does this mean we cannot imply a cbet strat on 1/3rd our entre range?

Flggyuw 4 years, 6 months ago

the flop was T43 not T32. I think this makes a bit of a difference as we open A4o, 54s, 64s preflop. so bb doesnt have much of a 4 advantage as they do with a 2.

RaoulFlush 4 years, 6 months ago

One more info that might simplify the thinking in ranges in these spots (which otherwise takes some time to implement on the fly):
A lot Ax/Kx-combos get 3bet pre....So if we dont face a 3bet and the board is A- or K-high we can usually Cbet every single hand in our range. So we cbet 100% of our range (and so use a small sizing). On these T-Q-high boards things get a little more complicated as Villain will have top pair more often. So we need to lower our frequency of cbetting (and that equals a bigger sizing).
How to create decent ranges in this spot is a whole lot work to do.
So given your concrete spot:
We dont know if our 3 is best, therefore the board is still pretty dry (and so Villain will miss it with a lot of his range) we still want to bet fairly often. So the 3 is nice as it blocks bottom set/2p and adds some equity to you if Villain has you beat. But basically we are still betting often here (even without holding 3x) but simply not 100% of our range anymore (and so we size up)

Flggyuw 4 years, 6 months ago


What do we put in our checking range? some Ax but we would need something value that villain can barrel us off. would a weak T be good or a T with an over card bc protection. the thing is betting AT-QT can get value from worse T, 3x, 4x and T8 can be VB vs better Tx, but if we check a weak Tx and villain had QJ, KJ and turn comes an overcard villain can value bet for 2 streets vs us.

Whats the best way to learn what to with our range and how to think about these spots?Iis it pio only? I think i should be more advance in my play and thought process before I start using this kind of software. but I dont really know how to learn these spots without it.

RaoulFlush 4 years, 6 months ago

If you think about purchaising a software i would definetly recommend GTO+ as it is much cheaper and similar great imo.
I guesd we dont want to check back too much here. I would try to find some hands that would hate to get raised OTF.
I run a sim on this spot that could help:

Betsizes are 33%/66%

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