*** Downswing Line Check --- NL 25 - MW with shallow stacks, ugly turn? ***
Posted by AggroShooter
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Low Stakes
*** Downswing Line Check --- NL 25 - MW with shallow stacks, ugly turn? ***
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (5 Players)
UTG: $25.44 (Hero)
CO: $10.11
BN: $13.83
SB: $25.00
BB: $8.36
CO: $10.11
BN: $13.83
SB: $25.00
BB: $8.36
Hero is UTG with
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I'm on a huge downswing and need to check lines because clearly, I'm doing something wrong, and I'm not just unlucky. I will be posting probably many stupid hands where I take a wrong line, because I fear monsters under the bed. Any comment (and support) will be most then welcomed. Plz correct my TP
Players are fishy and passive
We have a PSB left against one player and 2/3 PSB against the other one. I planned to shove pretty much any turn, but don't know, isn't the Jd on of the worst card in the deck, beside Jh? Players would have called the flop with any holdings, many of them improved now
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I'd say against two fishy players we're just commited here with SPR=1. Not the best turn in the world, but we can still get called by worse.
I would size up on the flop with 2 weak players in the pot. it's a scary board and there are some bad cards that can come. So charge them for it. I would raise to $2 on the flop. They are going to call with alot of weaker aces and even a ten here. on the turn I'd ship it.
For me 1st: BIGGER OTF.
2nd: I'd check OTT. It's a hard spot, their calling ranges are probably much more wider than betting ranges, but I still dont see many reasons in betting in 3way. But probably both lines x/c and betting have similar EV I think.
What do you think about an overbet? Like 3,5? In your opinion and experience does it scare players off?
I love it, but it might be an overplay without specified stats in 3way on such coordinated board
Assuming we aren't folding anywhere in the hand and assuming fishing callings ranges are wider than usual, why do you think it is an overplay?
I think betting flop smaller is reasonable vs opponents stack size. I could even see going as small as 1/3 to raise SPR ott. J ott is pretty gross, but we have plenty of outs against the top of his range if we are behind, and ahead of < A9. C/C turn could keep ranges wider and villain might not bet turn and we realize all our equity and try and finesse to SD.
GL with downswing sir! ddogGRINDTHRU
What are you achieving by betting smaller? Probably I'm missing something, because you said that and even Tomasz K said an overbet would be an overplay.
I think I have the best hand on the flop, and I like to charge as much as possible, also this makes the decision easier on the next street due to the low PSR.
Don't you think we need to protect our hands on that board?
What's your plans on blank turns (not many) and on my specific turn?
Anyway, after my checked, CO shoves and BB calls, are you calling?
Ty a lot for your support <3
Betting small makes the SPR ott higher. If he is a pro stacker you take away some of his stack leverage ability, and make it a three street game. Bet bigger you will make it a two street etc.. Yah I would call the price is probably to good with all the dead $$ to pass on and we have outs to the top of his range ( TwoP, Sets).
This was the first thing I thought when I saw the hand...was surprised people were saying to size up.
Using PIO (versus one opponent IP only as PIO GTO is HU only) I found that PIO prefers your betsize (75% not 33% and not 150%) the looser the opponent's range and prefers getting it all in on that Turn Jd which PIO thinks is a great card for Hero's range (only K is better). PIO opts to bet AdQc about 70% of the time but if check, prefers a check/raise effectively 100% of the time.
Above assumes Hero holds AdQc. Pio checks majority of range, especially AxQh probably due to heart blocker.
On the turn you are blocking KQ strt, not blocking heart draw and have SPR where you can't fold. Probably ~50% equity and 33% pot odds is easy stack off.
But tough hand in downswing as you are either way ahead, way behind or flipping.
check range we essentially become the last person to act otf from the MW dynamic when CO bets, kind of a cool play. Utilizing PIO in MW spots xD
Yes, Checking range means Hero's relatively bad position (squeezed between two fish) is transformed into a good last to act spot when CO bets we get to see how BB reacts. Checking is an underutilized OOP skill but you have to have a plan and know how to interpret the action. And if we have Qh checking through is less of an issue because we block heart flush draw.
If we have a read that CO tends to stab at X'ed pots then check/raising AdQc would become the favoured play in Hero's spot. But if CO is passive a Bet with AdQc is preferred.
I appreciate the PIO results... but we're against two short-stacked fun players. So it should always be highest EV to bet flop, jam turn imo. Did you node-lock for loose-passive rec postflop tendencies? I'd assume that Pio does not want to check AQ then.
I'm feeling pretty ashame of asking, but that's why I'm playing so low...
Many users told me that I should bet smaller (and probably jam the turn), but don't you want to charge worse hand as much possible while still ahead?
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