Posted by Philace1399
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Low Stakes
im currently on a downswing which is ongoing 3 months which seems a bit lenghty . im wondering is this variance normal at micros it feels like im running bad but also im getting im lacking in confidence from not winning any tourneys . Any tips or suggestions would be much appreciated !!
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if you have essential plan watch Henry Lister's dealing with downswings
jared tendler's books
some other stuff which possible can be found on youtube, maybe articles/blogs ....
sitting down in quite place with notepad and write everything it trough will help
However all above it is just for starters, after all it depends on you.
thank you for the info jeff !
3 months seems like a really long time but you play tournys so i dont know if that is normal or not. How much hands have you played in this 3 month?
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