Donking range on 532.2T Btn vs BB (call)
Posted by Dddogkillah
Posted by Dddogkillah posted in Mid Stakes
Donking range on 532.2T Btn vs BB (call)
25 hands against villain, has played reggy over them.
What do you think about having a donking range on this board, and if so what would you compose a leading range with?
This is a pretty good board for our range despite being capped, we will have many overpair+, and lots of very strong draws.
Imo IP will have more air/overcards in range especially if he is opening in the 50% range. If we do lead I only think IP will defend aprox 60% of his range, folding a ton of suited non ♠ Kx, Qx, Jx, Tx, and 9x(some ♦) and lots of unsuited K-Tx mostly wo ♠ but some with....
Range distribution and EQ graph
Range I worked outed
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