Do you pot control this turn?
Posted by DrFillGood
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Low Stakes
Do you pot control this turn?
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $29.96
SB: $9.15
BB: $19.23
UTG: $10.59
MP: $13.04 (Hero)
CO: $20.97
SB: $9.15
BB: $19.23
UTG: $10.59
MP: $13.04 (Hero)
CO: $20.97
Hero is MP with
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And do you call or fold on the turn when he shoves?
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don`t raise the turn.
I would raise turn for value planning to check behind river a lot. Getting jammed on sucks but I think we can safely fold to it.
This doesn't make much sense. Why raise for value with a hand that needs close to zero protection, and also has to fold to a jam when there isn't a ton of money left?
Calling turn seems like the only play. You want to keep his random bluffs in, and you're definitely behind against hit get-it-in range.
Because 1/3p isn't enough money to put in on the turn with this hand and I don't think SB's range is balanced, I think when SB donks 1/3p on a turn brick on a very drawy board is it very heavily weighted towards hands which are worse than ours and will almost always continue to be worse than ours on the river. Like I expect him to have 6h6x or Th9x a lot here and call a turn raise of the size we made but not put any more money into the pot any other way unless he happens to hit a straight or set (or flush in which case we wish we'd raised turn since we have Ah). I also think he'll have something like Q8s often enough to feel like a river bet on a blank is going to be too thin for value.
Calling is better against a balanced villain obviously but I don't think there are many balanced villains donking 1/3p on the turn here because that is not a play that they should be making at all; if their flop calling range is strong enough to lead brick turns they were meant to be x/r'ing flop. So, we aren't playing against a balanced villain, so I'm going to play the way which best exploits what I think the villain we're actually playing against is doing.
Call turn should be the standard play. May be kinda player dependent but checking back flop is quite nice as well. We give him a shot to put some money in with air / weak hands, and if he checks back to us again OTT we got 2 streets for value for sure unless river brings like a 4-straight or if a king pairs the board. It's good to have some Ahxx-hands in your checking back range as well, this is by no means necessary to have this combo. You could still check back AhQx which should be super standard, AhKx also reasonable check/back. Since some people will assume you're capped when the turn or river brings a heart makes them more likely to overbluff. But if villain is passive or w/e checking back isn't good at all, kinda player depent as I said above. It's good vs some villains who will shov up with like 7h6s and get them the opportunity to hit a flush, since fish don't like folding flushes ^^
I'd also call the turn.
Joinrbs - Vilain is probably a fish to do such a play, so I think he has all sort of 2pairs, sets, str8 and flushes in his range (he can also have pair+draw that you beat). AA isnt that strong vs his continuig range so it may be better to call his donk and keep his range wide. By raising here, I agree that you can get value from some hands, but you're behind vs his continuation range, which is probably the biggest part of his whole range OTT once he donks.
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