Do you look always in your Database? Do you play and work on other things at same time?

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Do you look always in your Database? Do you play and work on other things at same time?

I am trying poker now "professionally" or at least "semi-professional" about three months. Playing like 6 Years(recreational, sometimes tried to get more pro, but too childish mind in the past). Most non-game leaks I could fix without help but some are left:
1) Checking and Updating Bankroll and Liferoll every x-hours / during session / end of day / during day .....
Especially after getting Bad Beats, or doing bad calls, stupid stuff, I always check my Bankroll on every site and update it.... I hate this habit. I am better now, than when I started back three months. But still checking too often. Will this get better with experience and time?

2) Deleting Database
I started to delete everytime I make a tiltmove or really stupid call my whole Database. Its like an addiction now. I will try to stop completely with that from today on.

3) Doing things besides Poker
I am doing Homework and study besides of poker. I am HU player and sometimes there is not much action. In this time I learn and do other stuff.

Any experience with 1-3 ? Suggestions?



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Hans Wurst 9 years, 4 months ago

I don't why see I one should delete their Database except if you think you're better than you actually are. Maybe you're trying to hide the mistakes you make/made but I thinks that's very counterprodutive. Maybe it's better to try to work on elimminating ythese weaknesses by improving your technical skill than by deleting a database.

Another thing which I find really helpful: Try not to focus on money but on the quality of your decisions. This will help to get you away of checking the cashier, etc. since you don't need money as a verification for your skill. Your measurement is now the decision (the process) not the result ($ won or lost)

I hope that might be helpful :)

DanDanDanDan 9 years, 4 months ago

Maybe you think you're good at poker, but your occasional tilt moves stop you winning? In that case you need to start seeing emotional control and implementation as part of the 'skill' of 'poker'.

If you don't have these skills, then no, you are not good at poker. Even if you have Sauce's technical knowledge.

Deleting DBs just stops you facing that truth and thus improving. Stop kidding yourself :-)

FinciNeedsFood 9 years, 2 months ago

In today's games, as more people have a better theortical knowledge I feel emotional control is one area where we can develope an edge over our opponents.

YashN 9 years, 4 months ago

There's a lot of value in keeping your database intact, mistakes included. The value comes from the statistics you can derive from a large dataset.

If you're constantly delete the database this doesn't help analysis at all: all it does is skew the results, and most probably allow you to look at very small datasets if you keep deleting what you stored.

By all means, delete the bad poker behaviour or initial thought which lead to tilting, but do not delete your DB.

This said, I am having some trouble with PokerTracker 4 for Mac OS X: it is unbelievably slow for filtering and analysis as soon as it displays images in the grid (for cards)...

This should be much, much faster.

y0high 9 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for your advices. Stopped deleting it and got a much better mindset

YashN 9 years, 3 months ago

Great, man. Learn to love the process of looking for leaks in the DB and then plugging them in your game and seeing the results in your graphs and bankroll.

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