Do you call the third bet on a reasonably wet flop
Posted by DrFillGood
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Low Stakes
Do you call the third bet on a reasonably wet flop
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $10.53
SB: $9.90
BB: $10.60
UTG: $11.78
MP: $10.02 (Hero)
CO: $10.60
SB: $9.90
BB: $10.60
UTG: $11.78
MP: $10.02 (Hero)
CO: $10.60
Hero is MP with
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Looking for spots where I am being spewey. I raised the flop to get more money in against a 10 or JJ before a scare card could come.
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Just call flop, raising is silly here. You need to be getting value against at least half of opponent's calling range before you should start considering raising for value and for every TT and JJ that guy has he has a KK and AA you're behind, plus he has sets which crush you and draws which make your hand difficult to play on lots of turns and rivers.
Calling his cbet is best I think, for reasons mentioned above. He is going to miss this flop with his UTG range a lot actually, you are also blocking Qxss combos, which makes his shove even more valueheavy.
How about a PFR? I'm a huge fan of 3 betting pre with q-q, to help narrow down v's range.
As played, I think flop is a call as well
Im calling QQ vs an utg open as a default, but 3betting is fine. At 10nl, I think 3betting QQ gains value, especially vs fishes.
Agree with the others. Only call flop. It would be a mistake for vilain to 3bet shove TT/JJ here so when you raise the flop, you pretty much vs KK, AA, sets and good draws..
I would call & call down on a lot of turn & rivers.
Don't raise this flop
Yeah he had a set of 4's and I rivered the Q. Obviously felt shitty about the win. Thanks for the input!
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