Do We Need To Defend "Discounted" Ranges As Aggressively?
Posted by AF3
Posted by AF3 posted in Mid Stakes
Do We Need To Defend "Discounted" Ranges As Aggressively?
When we call a min-raise from the button with our ~70% range, do we need to defends flops at 1-A?
The best argument I can see against defending the flop at 1-A would be:1) The Button risked 1.25 X Pot to get 3Bet more than 25% of the time with ranges that will make unprofitable to call the worst hand in Button's opening range. This is a significant risk with ATC to take since it happens so often.(and I think it should be able to start happening even more often for the wider the BTN opens).
2) Even if we fold at significantly less than 1-A, we will have received such a discount on our call that we should be able to fold more than we "should" and still show a greater profit than -1BB. This argument is vague and I wouldn't be surprised if it's wrong.
Does anybody have legitimate thoughts for either side of the argument?
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