Dissecting skill: what areas can we improve on?
Posted by Freenachos
Posted by Freenachos posted in Low Stakes
Dissecting skill: what areas can we improve on?
I'm trying to explore what type of qualities a poker player needs to have in order to be winning, to give more direction to my study plan. So for instance, I've come up with a few subjects that can be studied:
- Preflop Game (a broad one, can dissect this one later)
- Flop play (again a very broad one)
- Basic understanding of mathematics
- In-game though process
- Grind process
- Blind play
- Mental game
- Session review process
- Tracker Optimalization
- The study process
As you can see, I'm just beginning and the subjects are still randomly ordered. But I think you get the jizz.
My question is: what areas am I forgetting here? Do you guys have any more feedback to this list?
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