Discussing c-betting strategies
Posted by sauloCosta10
Posted by sauloCosta10 posted in Low Stakes
Discussing c-betting strategies
Hey. I've noticed through some videos here that I'm not adjusting my c-betting strategies enough when circunstances seem similar but they are actually quite different. So I'm creating this thread so that we can discuss how we should be adjusting our strategies vs different positions and vs different player types. I'm going to describe 3 different board textures, in two different positions, and you should tell me which one of the following 3 different strategies you would use vs 3 different player types. I'll tell you below which strategy I would chose, and if yours differs from mine, please explain why you made such a choice. Lets do this?
A - High frequency (close to 100%), small sizing (1/3 pot)
B - 45-55% frequency, medium sizing (50%-65%)
C - Low frequency (30-40%), big sizing (2/3 pot or bigger)
BU (50%-60% RFI) vs BB
BU (50%-60% RFI) vs SB
Player Types
24/20 standard reg
16/12 nit reg
40/5 fish
Board Textures
895 two tone
KQ7 two tone
My choices
1) BU vs BB
- Q72r:
I - vs reg: Strategy A
II - vs nit reg: Strategy B or C
III - vs fish: Strategy A
- 895 two tone:
I - vs reg: Strategy C
II - vs nit reg: Strategy C
III- vs fish: Strategy C
- KQ7 two tone:
I - vs reg: Strategy A or B
II - vs nit reg: Strategy C
III- vs fish: Strategy B
2) BU vs SB
- Q72r:
I - vs reg: Strategy B
II - vs nit reg: Strategy B or C
III - vs fish: Strategy A
- 895 two tone:
I - vs reg: Strategy C
II - vs nit reg: Strategy C
III- vs fish: Strategy C
- KQ7 two tone:
I - vs reg: Strategy C
II - vs nit reg: Strategy C
III- vs fish: Strategy B
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