Difference between Zoom/Fast compared to regular NL

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Difference between Zoom/Fast compared to regular NL


I'm curious to know the difference in strategy (if there is one) from zoom vs regular NLH. I'm familiar with opening ranges, should it be much tighter playing zoom? or looser? Are there any videos made on this? Are there any threads you can point my towards?


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A_Rad9k 4 years, 7 months ago

I think it may depend on where you play and at what stakes you are playing. I recently just started playing "Blitz" poker on ACR which is the same as Zoom on other sites. I've been playing .05/.10 cent blinds. It's crazy the volume you can put in vs time spent.

I've only spent three hours on it, but I generally lean to a more LAG playstyle, but I've seen a lot players playing tight, which makes sense since they don't have to wait for the next hand. Who knows there could be robots just playing tight as well, so I think it makes sense to incorporate hands that can really bust other big hands, suited connectors, low pairs and things like that.

The other thing I've seen is a lot of players who will triple barrel weak hands or hands that are air balls if your range looks weak. I've seen some success with just closing my eyes and pushing the call button when their bets per street don't add up with their pre-flop ranges.

I hope this helps. I've only played like 4 hours but I'm already up 11 buy-ins. I know I'm running hot and I'm sure I'll swing downwards too. Good luck!

Tir-X 4 years, 7 months ago

You should be more inclined to play looser on zoom tables as the population is more nitty, compared to normal tables. They are folding their BTN and also their blinds more often so pay attention who are the nit players and sometimes you can make big adjustments in your opening range, even from EP, because of who is behind you.

I wouldn't be concerned about postflop differences. There might be some smaller ones but it's not gonna be very significant. Except that when a fish plays zoom poker he is going to be tighter and can fold easier than on normal tables. Makes sense as on normal tables they get bored. The're usually playing 1 or 2 tables, that's slow action and after 30 minutes of not having good hands even the not too loose fish can go crazy and call you down with 2nd pair or try some stupid bluff. This is the stuff that is gonna be way less frequent on normal tables. So I would say in general players will be a bit more fit or fold postflop.

Brett Banks 4 years, 7 months ago

I've played almost exclusively zoom for a while pre black friday and the last few months.

The main differences are that fish play a bit tighter. Most of them aren't quite as wide preflop and they're a bit more likely to play fit or fold postflop.

One thing you may not be expecting is that the game can feel very different. The sheer speed of the game means that you might feel like you're getting run over by 3bets or checkraises - they still happen at about the same frequency but because you're seeing more of them in a time frame you're not accustomed to it can put you on tilt or cause you to over-adjust

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