Did I spew away my chips in a 2.5-2.5 live game to a ''donkey''?
Posted by erdian
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Mid Stakes
Did I spew away my chips in a 2.5-2.5 live game to a ''donkey''?
Wondering if my call is bad here if we consider live ''possebilities'' of what donkeys can do and what their range consist off.
The table just started. I recognize 2 fishes at it and the rest is 7 unknown players. I the ''donkey'' is a man in his 50's thats limping the second time here in early pos I have not seen him before.
Hero is BTN with A5o with 100 euro. Donkey has 200 in front.
Donkey limps, 1 fish limps hero raises to 150. Table folds but Donkey calls.
Flop AhAx2x Donkey X, Hero X I dont see a reason to bet here even though it is live but his range is so damn weak here unless he has exactly gutshot or a pair he will fold. Sure he can have that but if he is a bad players and limps with 80% range I guess he folds here more often then calls.
Turn is a Qh donkey double checks his cards then X. Hero bets 10 into 30 pot. I could guess he has a pair here but I at best put him at a flush draw. The raise can also induce for him to go nuts. Mb should have bet bigger? Donkey calls.
River is Ko and donkey X. Hero bets 30. This was to look like I am bluffing making him herocall with a K/Q also induce a rebluff which I guess he is capable off iff he is missreading/got an idea. Donkey quickly reraises to 100 and hero calls. Donkey shows TJo on a AAQK2 board.
I know big blind wise my calls here is very simple and the information can be interesting to correct. I have 50 left and the pot is 150 and I guess his range should mostly consist off ThJh/TJo. Did I spew here or can he do it with a hand like Kx and even KQ? Or is the donkey capable off bluffing like this by your experience? There is a combos left off one Ax aswell and thats mostly a split here.
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