Did I play my AA's right?

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Did I play my AA's right?

8 Handed 5-5 1K cap game
Hero has 2K behind SB
Villain has 1.6K behind Button (Villain fairly tight preflop player but is capable of bluffing and calling off draws to over bets. Not a good player.
Also we re-raised each other couple times within the hour of playing so it does feel like we are going after each other a little bit.)

MP raises to 10, CO calls and Villain button makes it 35. (Which is relatively small.)
Hero raises to 85 with 2 red AA. (Made it small b/c I felt like his 3 bet was light and wanted him to definitely call.)
MP, CO folds and Villain flats.

Flop is Ac107ss (I have no spade)
I led out 80 and he makes it 200.
I repop to 250 on top for a total of 450 and he tanks and flats.
Turn is Qc. He has around 1.1 remaining and I shove.

He tanked for ages and folded.

I was curious what he could have possibly had in that type of spot. I was thinking AK but I have 2 blockers. Possibly AJss, KQss, QJss?

Also if I can get my play critiqued and also what would be the best play here?


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