Did I play Aces right?: 10NL Hand History
Posted by PenguinKnight
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Low Stakes
Did I play Aces right?: 10NL Hand History
We're on Global Poker playing .05/.10 6-max NLH.
CO (Hero)-$9.71
HJ open limps.
I'm in the CO with AA and raise it to .40
SB and BB call HJ folds.
Pot- $1.3
Flop comes Qh 9s Kd
Action checks to me and I make a pot size bet.
SB folds, BB calls.
Turn brings the 9h
BB checks. I bet the pot and get called.
River is 6s goes check check
BB tables Jc Th for the flopped straight
My thinking,
I don't like that I'm multi way with aces and the fact I didn't get raised tells me I'm likely ahead at this point as pocket Queens and Kings would likely re-raise pre-flop and I'm only really worried about pocket nines and and maybe some draws. I bet pot on the flop because; A, I want to thin the field, and B, I'm getting value Qx, Kx hands that make a up a good portion of the blinds calling ranges.
I'm happy to see the 9 on flop as it makes pocket nines unlikely for the BB. I think betting pot again was a mistake on my end. I'm far from the nuts and I'm not denying equity from draws, those are folding on the flop. Still I think I'm getting value from Kx hands and that is it. I'm also not blocking K9 or Q9 which are hands that call pre-flop from BB, so I don't like this bet.
The river is a brick 6s and I check it back. It dawns on me at this point that not a whole lot worse is calling me on the river and it would make sense for the BB to check some strong hands to the aggressor. Obviously AA is too good to bluff, and hands I get value from are scarce so I like the check here.
I think the 10h Jc call pre-flop is questionable and honestly, I wasn't even thinking of flopped straights as much as two pair and boats.
Is my head in the right place on this hand? Let me know!
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I would bet much smaller on the flop. I think it's a common mistake to bet big here for protection, but 3-way we have to be much more careful because there are multiple players instead of one who can have us beat. Instead of thinking that we have to bet big now before the board gets bad, I would reverse that and say that we need to be cautious until the board gets good. It's really the fact the lowest card on the board makes straights as well as many two pairs possible that bothers me and makes me want to size down, bigger bet might make sense on a board like KQ7.
Turn card is actually excellent for us because 9x shouldn't be a very big part of villains range given our big flop bet and it also makes K9/Q9/99 less likely. A big bet makes much more sense at this point.
River I would shove, given how the hand has played out it seems fairly likely that we're not beat and villain is going to have a lot of KQ/KJ/KT that we beat.
Agree with Samu Patronen
This is just a horrid board for AA to begin with and we couple that with MW, it becomes problematic. Pot is just too much.
Thanks for the feedback!
Would you agree that JTo is a hand that we shouldn't be concerned about calling pre-flop from BB?
I wouldn't say I agree completely, just because villain shouldn't call it doesn't mean he can never have it.
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