Defenidng 3-bets OOP

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Defenidng 3-bets OOP

Hello guys, I wanted to have a strategy discussion here.
Let's say we raise for 3bb and IP player makes it 9bb. We don't know anything about his range since he's an unknown player. But first we'll assume that IP player 3-bets a GTO range (assuming anyone would know such range haha) and I defend a GTO range as well ( by GTO I mean decent). My question is:

How will my overall EV change for this spot if:
1- IP player is not 3-betting a decent range, but he's a actually much TIGHTER. (And my defending range stays the same)
2- IP player is not 3-betting a decent range, but he's actually much LOOSER. (And my defending range stays the same)

I'd assume that my EV will go up, because he's deviating from a "GTO" strategy.

PS: I know PF poker is not solved by GTO, that's not my point.

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