Defending vs 3 bets

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Defending vs 3 bets

Obviously it depends on the size of the 3 bet but generally our MDF is going to be around 33% of our range when faced with a 3 bet.

How do we go about deciding what percentage we should 4 bet and what percentage we should call?

For example i open 15% UTG and we get 3 bet by the BTN. flatting 3 bets OOP has been unprofitable for me so the 33% MDF would have me 4 bet calling QQ+/AK, and i picked A5s-A2s/KQo as bluffs due to blockers.

But if we get 3 bet by the BB i'm probably going to want to flat some hands like JJ and play in position, so how do we decide how often we 4 bet and how often we call in this sort of spot?


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urb 8 years, 2 months ago

1) 33% is breakeven only when using pure 4b/f strategy. If you start calling, you need much more.
2) are you sure flatting 3bets is unprofitable for you? You need to compare it to folding to 3b, which costs you 200-300bb/100 depending on your open size. You might also have postflop leaks that cost you money. 4b/folfidng is simplifying your game tree but it might cost you EV overall. I'm not sure if flatting 3bets OOP is incentivized, but you should look closer before dismissing this option.
3) the best way to choose defense frequencies vs 3bets is to adjust them according to villains range. 3bet stats are useful, but it wouldn't hurt to do some research on environment tendencies to get a default strategy vs unknowns.

SH1591 8 years, 2 months ago

Ok so BTN vs BB I'm going to want to flat a lot as BB has a wide 3 betting range. So I'm not always 4 betting so how do we create our value 4 bet range here as standard? But yes OOP I'm mostly going to stick to 4bet/fold for now.

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