Defend 3bet oop live
Posted by juan.oneplus6t
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Low Stakes
Defend 3bet oop live
How should we construct preflop vs 3bet continue range oop in live low stake games (deep stack 200bb+)?
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Not quite sure what your question is about concrete. If you are looking for solved ranges, i would check out as they have ranges for 200BB play. If this is more of a theory question, im taking a shot - but im far away from a deep-play specialist.
We have to keep in mind that our Equity-Realisation (EQr) will be about 10-20% lower when we play oop.
This already a problem at 100BBs, but not too much in a 3betpot. SPR will be lower and if we flop 2p or TP often the money will get in anyways and we will be able to realize it totally.
This is another story playing deep. So if we defend deep oop it becomes much more important to flop kind of robust equity that can take multiple big bets:
- strong overpairs
- strong 2p/sets
- strong (combo)draws
So my 2 cents on this would be as follows:
- Start calling stronger pairs more often (especially like TT-QQ). A lot of players do this, because they are scared to get 5bet. But its a better reason to do it for range construction as we can call multiple barrels on bricked low-boards.
- Avoid „coolers“ due to worse 2pairs: This is especially problematic with weaker broadways as KT-KQ/QJ.
lower PP are somewhat problematic. These will still be calls for me. But we have to be very carefull if we face a lot of heat on A/K-high boards.
- Avoid playing speculative hands that are not drawing to the nuts. A lot of ppl love playing SCs in this spot which is a huge mistake imo. Playing esp. 89s oop in 3bet pot deep can be a real nightmare: Just imagine facing 3 big barrels on QJT or rivering a flush on any other board.
So i would much rather start defending all my weak AXs (like A6s) than playing these hands.
Drawing to the (near) nuts gets much more important in this spot. And also to keep in mind:
Most players are familiar with playing 100BBs. So if random regs start to pile a lot of money into the pot beeing deep, we need to have the abillity to let „strong looking“ hands go more easily: non-Top2, bottom set and marginal top-pairs.....
The other consideration is that almost all live low-stakes games will have relatively large open sizes and relatively large three bet sizes. That will reduce the SPR significantly compared to an online game playing deep.
Online (200bb): ~2.5x open to ~7.5x 3bet so you are looking at pots that are around 16 (give or take position of 3 bettor). SPR: ~11:1
Live Low stakes: (200bb): ~4x open to ~15x 3bet so you are looking at pots that are around 31bb preflop. SPR: ~6:1
The higher stakes live games can be more reasonable and are likely to fall into the middle of these ranges most times in my experience. Lots of variance on the live side of the ledger on bet sizing pre-flop though.
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