Deep stack adjustment discussion
Posted by Gay Theory
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Gay Theory
posted in
Low Stakes
Deep stack adjustment discussion
does anybody here play deep? or everybody just sitout?
wat are ur general adjustment when deep lets say like 200BB+ 150BB+ , IP / OOP, pre/post?
u widen/tighten 3bet ranges / calling ranges for IO? etc
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Postion becomes more powerful than it already is, you can defend much more hands to 3bets when you are IP. Value of AK and QQ-KK goes way down. Also postflop you should be more concerned with 2nd/3rd nuts type hands when all the many goes in in early streets.
so wat u actually 3bet OOP then?
and wat stats u think are like optimal, VP PF 3b when theres ante.. or some other stats..
do u bluffraise post more often than 100bb deep?
A video about playing +200bb deep compared to 100bb would be cool. There are a lot of spots where I feel lost because of deep stacks.
k ill make video sempai 8)
Thank you, will definitely watch!
i'm only playing 200bb tables and have always done that and I have literally no experience with 100bb tables. Since almost all videos and books are about 100bb stacks I have just been using similar ranges with a few adjustments. I play 5 max so I open all PP's and suited aces from all positions but I don't think thats any different from 100BB. I still try to 3bet aggresively (13-15%) from the blinds even though playing OOP deep sucks.
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