Deep 2/5/10 live bet sizing
Posted by girth21
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High Stakes
Deep 2/5/10 live bet sizing
Villain is a semi-thinking aggro rec with a degen streak on a superheater, seems quite tilted as he just got coolered by a gutter for 1500 or so. He probably feels like I've been owning him somewhat. The game is usually a fairly typical 2/5 but is playing big due to his action, half of hands are straddled, 10% double straddled.
Hero raises $40 from CO with 6h6c over a limp, villain calls BB, straddle folds.
Flop Js6s2h (100)
villain donk leads into me for 165 and I call. He usually sizes relatively normally given the pot. I was planning calling and raising any non-spade turn big.
Turn 4o (430)
Villain checks, I bet 350, villain calls
River 2o (1130)
Villain checks, I bet 800.
So I'm asking if I should raise flop and/or choose some other sizing on the river. He hasn't correctly bluffcaught yet it seems and has been getting value-owned pretty bad so I'm worried the sizing is kind of large. He never has a big or probably even strong preflop hand here. I definitely think his range is very weighted towards Jx/bad kicker when he checks turn.
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I'd shove the river. Get him tilted to the bone - and induce hope to get a chance of looking like the master-hero of the universe if he calls with Jx. Then see him melting. And enjoy life. :)
Yeah id raise flop not expecting him to ever fold Jx and just bomb turn and river.As played depending on how deep you are shoving might be good if its not a huge overbet, everything missed and hes not folding his J to a pot-1.5 bet for sure, might fold to 2x+.Id go for a sure thing and bet close to pot if im not convinced hes calling an overbet.
Perfectly fine sizing, imo.
yeah I like your line too although bigfiszh and sprince make great points
Rival dependent...
It´s sure that i should bet pretty large.
I like the overbet in this spot OTR If he is a player that want to control the pot playing oop and make hero calls bluffcatching, in live games there are a lot of this guys...
I think you have to raise the flop 100%. The guy is tilted, most of the guy usually put honor behind everything (or balls, which is the same). So when you raise him, I think if he his really tilted he would either shove with a FD or call.
River I am hesitating between a gay bet and a shove.
Same reasons : gay bet might suggest him to bluff and reraise and shove for same reasons has written before.
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