Decison w/ AKo pre flop, not sure to fold, to call or to raise
Posted by Aurelius
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Low Stakes
Decison w/ AKo pre flop, not sure to fold, to call or to raise
CO: $7.82
BN: $5.68
SB: $5
BB: $6.48 (Hero)
UTG: $10.43
HJ: $6.82
BN: $5.68
SB: $5
BB: $6.48 (Hero)
UTG: $10.43
HJ: $6.82
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG raises to $0.15, HJ calls $0.15, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $0.60, Hero folds, UTG calls $0.45, HJ calls $0.45
UTG raises to $0.15, HJ calls $0.15, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $0.60, Hero folds, UTG calls $0.45, HJ calls $0.45
(3 Players)
SB bets $1.15,
UTG folds,
HJ folds
As you can see, I folded.
As played, I see I could have called and we could have been playing a multiway pot.
The most important factor for me was that UTG was 12/10, the SB was 20/16 but w/ a 3b of 18 (which is low sample size of something like 40 hands, but still seems to 3b alot). However, I don't think this raise from the 3b versus an UTG nit is a bluff, so it's strong. When I call, I can't really get it in when UTG 4-bets.. Plus, I am in an ugly spot postflop being in the middle of the two. That made me fold pre.
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Yeah, I'd fold as well. I don't even think that SB is nutted here all the time, he might be just trying to get in a HU situation with the caller. 40 hands is no sample to make a judgment about a players 3 bettign frequencies. I think the best case scenario for 4 betting is that UTG folds and you more or less flip vs SB. The worst case is UTG shoving and you having to make a more or less tight fold. So, 4 betting doesn't really strike me as a good play here. I'm not sure about calling... If UTG 4 bets, you'd have to fold. If he calls, MP is likely to overcall and you play a 4 way pot with a hand that doesn't play all too great in mw pots, simply because no one is going to pay you out on a K high board, for example. I don't know, I guess I'm a nit.
How does MP play ? if hes fishy i call. You right SB sddnt 3bet too much vs that tight utg player, if we call and utg shoves we have to fold.
Dont really know at this point! Haven't seen anything weird or so
like your fold ;-)
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