debatable double barrel vs tight reg
Posted by Pokerlogical
Posted by Pokerlogical posted in Low Stakes
debatable double barrel vs tight reg
SB: $1.97
BB: $2.00
UTG: $2.30
UTG+1: $9.96
MP: $3.50
MP+1: $2.11
MP+2: $2.20
CO: $2.00 (Hero)
Opponent was a passive tight reg at first glance like 19/11 or so over 150 hands so maybe a bit fishy tendency^^
On the turn I am not sure if I should bet or check.
Advantages for betting:
+ I think people can still call worse (value)
+ value against A high flushdraws
+ I have a lot of equity when called and behind
+ I avoid a lot of difficult river decisions like when a 8 comes or 9 comes or an Ace and he bets
+ bet for free showdown
Advantages for checking:
+ I can induce a lot of bluffs on flushy rivers and blanks (but people dont bluff a lot so I dunno)
+ I keep all his weaker flushdraws in (unfortunately he doesn't have that many)
+ I avoid getting checkraised OTT which he will do with JT, 77 , 66 , J7s, 89s (potcontrol)
Bet folding this hand sucks but imo I don't get check/raised very often OTT maybe like 17% or so.
So I dunno
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