Dealing with coldcalls

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Dealing with coldcalls

Let's say hero opens and gets a cold call from villain who has position on hero.
How do you decide wheter to cbet or not?

So far my primitive strategy looks like this:

I cbet the hands who benefits most from folds, like 99 on a 648 board. Sometimes I bet trash against if villain folds a lot to cbets especially on dry boards with at least one high card for example T9s on AK5.

My betsize varies between 33% and 75%.

But mostly I check. To prevent villains from stabbing too much Iook for spots to checkraise. So far my flop stats are:

flop cbet oop: 47 (this is proably screwed by the 3bet pots where I cbet 100% 1/3 pot, but I don't see a oop single raised pot cbet stat in HM2 )
skip cb oop and:
cc 36
cr 9
cf 55

This cf 55 is of course easy exploitable by betting every time I check.

Would like to read how you approach these situations. Feel free to add anything :)

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