Currently beating the regs at my stake (10NL), looking for input

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Currently beating the regs at my stake (10NL), looking for input

I play on BetOnline, 10NL cash games. My sample size is small as I recently got a HUD (~5000) hands and I am up $70 with an $EV difference of -$20. I know that is most likely just variance on my end but now that I have a HUD I have a few questions of how I should think about my opponents.

At my stake, there are ~5 accounts I have tagged as bots (confirmed by others on poker forums) and another 4-5 that I consider good regs. While I have only had a HUD for a small-time I have played against all of these players for at least 10k hands before this and had a decent understanding of their style.

Against all of these accounts, I am beating them, and my HUD shows that I am the person they lose the most too. Is this most likely just because I only get their stats from the tables we play together? Certainly, they must be losing to others semi-regularly.

I have no intention of moving up stakes yet as my bankroll cannot handle 25NL yet even though I am just a rec player (who tries to play well) and this is a hobby. I am mainly looking for people to confirm that this is too small of a sample and I am interpreting the data incorrectly (and offer any input on how to improve)

Thanks for the time -- apologies if this was an improper post, I just joined RIO

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