Currently a 50nl and 100nl player on US sites - Constructing 3b defense ranges

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Currently a 50nl and 100nl player on US sites - Constructing 3b defense ranges

Hi all,
I'm a player who has seen great success at micros but am struggling transitioning to stakes in which 3bets become more common and I think I am just particularly poor in 3b pots (both with defense frequencies and postflop play). Can you help me with my logic in this example?

In a button vs sb situation in which I open to 3x (lots of fish in my games and like to take advantage of them with larger sizing), SB 3 bets to 10x and we are deciding to call or not we need to determine whether our hand has at least 33% equity versus his range.

Opponent in my pool has an 11% 3b range from SB vs button that I have seen to include: 1010+, KQo+, 67s+, j4s, Axs, AQ+. In pure equity I came up with a calling range of 23s+, 35s+, 22+, Kxs+, Axs+, Q5s+, Axo+, K10o+, Q10o+, J10o+, J8s+. The hands in particular I am concerned about are the random Axo, Q5-Q8s and weakers Kxs hands as while they have enough equity in theory I am not sure how much playability these will have postflop. The Axo hands in particular will be nearly impossible to play despite having approximately 40% equity versus his range. Do I simply fold the Axo hands and some of the worse Kxs and Qxs hands with the expectation that I will underrealize my equity postflop despite having position?

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