Crazy cash games
Posted by Cnrhoden
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Low Stakes
Crazy cash games
I mostly play a 1/2 cash game. I’m a decent player, I know I have a few holes in my game, but I play mostly straight up poker. However, the only game I have regular access to is an insanely loose game. You can expect to be called for any amount preflop with any range of hands, calling 4x-5x preflop raises by every seat at table, and rarely does a C bet ward off any preflop callers. Any tips/ advice for doing better at this particular game?
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Play hands that make nuts multiway , pps, connected stuff, suited aces etc. It Will be high variance to play 5-7way pots obviously, But if you play a solid range you Will be on the right side of the coolers.
Other good adjustments could be to go even bigger pre, around 8-10x could be reasonable tbh. Maybe its okey to use multiple sizings pre like a huge one with hands that works better vs fewer players and go standard 4-5x with hand playing well in multiway pots. Not a fan of this strat in general, But it might work well in a game like this if They are really clueless..
Raise big and tight pre. If they don't fold to 4x, try 6x or 8x or 10x. You don't want them to fold necessarily -- if they want to call an 8x raise with 72o, let them. Bet small on the flop to fold out air and push equity with your tight range.
Prefer hands that can make the nuts. Suited aces are nice. Mid-low suited connectors are trouble because you can't semi-bluff effectively and they can make the second-best hand which can cooler you. Low pocket pairs are ok, but when there are lots of very MW pots, chance of set over set is non-negligible.
(Fun anecdote: I had a memorable "set over set over set" hand at such a table.)
If buying in short is allowed, you can buy in with a short stack of maybe 30BB and just shove with a decently wide range. From what I gather, this strategy used to be a big money maker back in the early online days where everybody played too many hands.
I too have come to the same conclusions that have been suggested, but I still have doubts about it:
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