Correct fold on turn shove?

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Correct fold on turn shove?

what are your thoughts?


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James Hudson 6 years, 11 months ago

I'm not sure that I'd raise the turn. You have a really good bluff catcher but when villain calls your raise all sorts of rivers either kill your hand or kill your action. Calling the turn also protects your turn calling range on river blanks. With those things in mind, I'd rather be pretty polarized to sets + here and semi bluffs.

The one thing I will say in favor of raising here is that villain's sizing would lead me to believe that they're not all that strong when betting that small on such a drawy board. Once you get jammed on here it's a pretty gross spot but I'd lean towards folding as most players at these stakes probably just call with their draws and your equity is awful versus their value range.

a_zuzolo 6 years, 11 months ago

hmmm...I agree that the turn decision of call vs raise is pretty close. I think I lean towards raise.

But, I don't think I can fold this turn as played. I agree with James that his flop sizing is a little weak, given the nature of the board. So if that is true, are there really enough value hands in his range on the offsuit King turn that beat us?

If he is a wide opener, he can have all of the flopped two pairs, that I think he would play this way.

And at these stakes, I can even see hands as weak as AA or AK playing this way, and definitely Kxss.

ThiSnake 6 years, 11 months ago

I agree with all its been said ... but he also could have lower 2p AA AK ... I would XC but as played I would call the shove and GG..

ThiSnake 6 years, 11 months ago

The point is : when I raise I already know if he 3bets if call or fold ... than if I raise/fold I certainly wanna do that with pure bluffs based on presumed HIGH FE... other wise ands that are strong but that I don’t want call a 3b with , I prefere not to raise with . I hope I ve been clear !

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