Constructing donking ranges flop and turn
Posted by flenko
Posted by flenko posted in Low Stakes
Constructing donking ranges flop and turn
Hey there guys!
I'd come to think of how "unethical" donking bets are, and how many people aren't really using them. At least they aren't at the lower stakes that I play. I also know how annoying it is when you are getting donked into and can't really tell what it means.
Therefore I'd love to widen my game and learn more about donking. How would you for example construct a donking range on flop and turn in a pot where you're not the PFR?
I can guess that we donk with some nut hands plus super draws, but wouldn't they be as good to c/r? Why should we donk, and what hands?
Let the discussion flow!
And lastly, is there any good video on this site that is about donking?
Regards, flenko
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Interesting STUFF! Did you ever have a discussion about this I am also super curious about the "D bet"...I think it is good to also factor when to use it when simply your range hits harder. What kinds of players may this be a good target for? etc...
Edit: Hmm, necro-ing 4 year old thread :P
Donking is not "unethical", but it can complicate your strategy for not much of an advantage.
In general, you should donk flop when you have a range advantage (or a negligible range disadvantage), and/or when you have the nut advantage.
For turns, donking makes sense when the board texture changes drastically. Say, you check/called the flop, and now the middle card pairs on the turn. It's a good spot to donk because you can have middle pair here while the villain almost never has it; and you can add in some bluffs.
However, in all these spots, if you donk too much, then your checking range becomes very weak, and regulars will punish you mercilessly.
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