Complex Pio mechanics

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Complex Pio mechanics

When I am studying a grid in PIO I come across mechanics that I am not always able to explain. For example, I was studying some wide range 3bet pot spots and I came across a turn situation where there was some turn overbet shoving but it was only happening on certain cards and only when the backdoor flush draw was coming on board. The same cards of different suits showed no overbetting at all. This is just one example of many mechanics that baffle me at times. I always try to understand what is going on in a grid to the best of my ability but inevitably I will run into something that I cannot easily explain.

I guess I would just like to ask you guys, how can I become better at understanding some of the more complex interactions in pio? I feel like I improve my understanding slowly over time but I also feel like there are some things that I will never be able to make sense of unless someone just gives me the answer outright. What do you guys usually do when you are unable to make sense of some of the mechanics in pio?

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