Common Preflop Problem Spot: Inviting MW Action OR Re-Raising versus a Narrow Range
Posted by Daz
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Low Stakes
Common Preflop Problem Spot: Inviting MW Action OR Re-Raising versus a Narrow Range
Two general examples
You open UTG QQ AKo and MP, CO BTN all call and the Big Blind squeezes with a narrow range of bluffs / value that would lead you to want to stack off with maybe KK+ and maybe use some combos of AK as a bluff perhaps? The point being you know that getting it in pre with anything less than KK+ or AA only is losing. But does a hand like AKo flop well enough multiway when OOP to the rest of the table and 'losing' to BB 3bet range?
Also perhaps being in the BB vs a SB 3bet facing UTG,MP open and CO,BTN callers again from a narrow range. I can give Hero QQ, AKo again
Both times, the pocket pairs will play fine multiway and IP versus the re-raiser but will do badly facing any further preflop action. I find if i re-raise i run into the better hand very very frequently which corresponds to the fact that their range is very narrow. But if i call i hardly win the pot being OOP without flopping very nutted hands
I feel like i'm not creating a good spot if i call and invite multiway action, but re-raising effectively turns all my hands into bluffs of which i don't want to be raise bluffing this player - they too heavily skewed towards nut hands.
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I can show u an example - If oponent sqeeze nearly 5.5x vs open and 2 calls and his sqeeze is pretty large (near 7-8) and he might call our shove with QQ+, AK , we have a profitable shove with our AKo (EV nearly 7bb)
But postflop will be not good i think if there will be more then 2 people and when we oop or between 2 players
Shove is ok i think. If he calls only KK+, we have more equity there
Yes that seems fine, my question is geared towards much narrower stack off ranges where i don't think i'm getting the required equity to stack off preflop
Remember you'll get folds sometimes with the squeeze and if someone is playing that obviously then you'll surely be making much more money from them in other spots (stealing etc). Calling is a fair option though with the QQ as people won't expect the set when you do hit multiway he'll be expecting you to have squeezed that. AKo isn't good multiway but as said before can work with squeeze because of folds and other people calling mistakes.
Saying that it's pretty specific situation so personally I'd not spend too much time worry about it.
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