Cold Call Ranges from BU vs EP and MP
Posted by sauloCosta10
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Low Stakes
Cold Call Ranges from BU vs EP and MP
Hey, I've been following a brazilian winning reg (NL100) on twitch and he has a very wide cold call range on the button vs UTG and MP. I've seen him flatting A2s-A5s, 76s, 9Ts, basically lots of suited hands. Is that standard? My cold call range from the BU vs these positions looks more like all suited broadways, A9s+ and 77+. Am I being too tight?
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yep your too tight imo
His strat is totally fine. You cannot always be the preflop raiser. You can also add said hands into your light 3betting range very easily.
I do. But thats the point. If he flats A3s BU vs UTG instead of 3-betting, he does that because he thinks he can make money by flatting, and then he uses weaker hands to 3-bet, making him tougher to play against. I just thought that those hands were not strong enough to flat vs those ranges.
Just flatting explicitly A2-A5s on BTN vs UTG wont 1) change his preflop stats to a leaky structure.
2) Flatting IP might be -EV but if its is, it is really marginally -EV and maybe he can make up for that with better postflop play.
This video covers it quite well:
Kal favorite link ;D
lol, yes!
The information is so good I would be willing to pay 50$ for it.
He is very smart/ next level :D
I think you should decide what hands merits to be playing against UTG, and understand that 3bet will be almost always better than flatting.
Obv you can't 3bet all, so flat it sometimes.
In shorthanded, you don't win money by flatting just cause, when you get squeezed, it's a bad spot, when you're in a multiway spot, it's a spot where you will need a piece of equity to continue, when you are in heads up, you're lucky.
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