cluless or not clueless against flat calling at micros n10

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cluless or not clueless against flat calling at micros n10

So there's a lot of flat calling the button against any position with pocket pairs, off suit broadways and some suited and non-suited connectors, basically a lot of hands. A lot of times I face a bet and it's a 1/2 or 3/4 bet when I check, no matter the board.
Few examples:
A72 rainbow and I have KQo - I check, villain bets and I have to fold.
672 and I have AKo - I check and villain bets and I have to fold

It's really annoying to me because I see a lot of hands like this and I have to fold. The worst thing is that they bet with everything. Now my question is: Aren't they losing money by doing this if they bet with anything on any board? To sum it up, I know I have to fold in theory but it pisses me off to fold good hands. lol

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