Close to optimal stats in todays 6max msnl and other stuff too (whining)

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Close to optimal stats in todays 6max msnl and other stuff too (whining)

WARNING: This post will be long and whiny. Just skip to the end if you don't find it interesting to read my story written in simple english.

I posted this because I have been struggling with my game. I am full time online professional even it sounds lame to me to say so in this point who has pretty good career until last year. Last year was actually marginally negative or break even with rb.
Of course I have had negative months and been stuck but never before been done like this. I have lost my deposit three times now since last summer when difficulties began after being two months out from the games playing Diablo3. How stupid I can be!
I kinda feel I know what continuously winning poker needs and I know what to do but on the other hand I just can't do it anymore. Can't play solid and get wins months after months like I used to. Some years ago I even thought I haven't earned this. Wins came in so easily having 100 buy ins bankroll even games were pretty regular infested in that point. Everything was really in my comfort zone in that point and I became lazy...

Yes, I do have very good sessions but very easily just play too long, too many tables (I think optimal is 6-8 instead of 9-12) and start to tilt fast if run bad which has happened lately like it's supposed happen to everyone in some point. Last deposit I went broke after running a 5k$ under over 7k hands and spewing last 1-2k$.

Next thing that I will try is to do relatively big deposit if it helps because earlier my deposits were 3k€ and 5k€ and I am playing nl400 and even nl600 which I will ban till get 15k€+ roll. You can really feel the pressure and almost anger when you don't have enough money to run as many tables as you want. I was pretty optimistic that I can make comeback from pretty small deposit and losing small deposit doesn't make feel bad but maybe I was wrong. It's really depressing when you go broke again even it's not so many buy ins. Maybe I have big ego or something but I still don't feel comfortable to play nl100-nl200 on this point. I don't know where this urge to win fast has came in because one of the best ways to be succesful is to avoid haste to win.

Oh yeah, It's possible that nowadays games are too tough for me BUT because I am hugely dependant to online poker I kinda need to continue playing as long as I feel it might be profitable and I really feel it's since there are so many weaker player on the tables. I feel I can be winning player again even beating games with 4-6 bb/100 is not reasonable anymore. In worst case scenario I can play nl100 or just bum hunt if need small money "safely". I don't have economical crisis yet but it can come if I continue this same 1-2 years.

Here comes the questions:

1) When you play 6max msnl. What are your main stats? I was before like 21/16/3bet a 6 which was tight weak but worked very well even no showdowns just kept falling. I felt that 22/18/7+ might be optimal.
I can see that I have played 26/21/9,3 this year over 39k hands losing 10.3k$. Pretty many hands and maybe too high vpip for me. It has helped much with no showdowns but in reality I end to lose stack with second best hand too often. This might be also issue in postflop play but let's not go there. So, what are you stats when you grind and has they changed, let's say from what they were three years ago?

2) What stats you have on hud? I have vpip/pfr/3bet, steal/4bet/fold to 3bet, squeeze, flop fold to cb and hands. Fold flop to cb is a newcomer. I ask because I feel I miss something.

3) Do you have positive experiences about notecaddy? I don't take many notes and bought that yesterday. Hopefully I'll find it useful!

4) If you are full time or even semi full time grinder, have you gone broke lately or even once in your career? I don't mean losing everything you own but just your money on internet. What happened and how did you recovered? Did you play smaller or made any changes?

5) Do you think it's necessary nowadays to get non sd winnings raise or at least stall? Can even some of you really make profit with famous red line in long run?

6) Any advice for me? Does my story make any sense?

Any kind of answer will be highly appreciated. Please share your thoughts and help me :)

Thank You!

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