Checkin MPTK in connected rainbow flop.
Posted by WM2K
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Low Stakes
Checkin MPTK in connected rainbow flop.

Never played vs villain before today but so far he s playing a loose reggish game preflop thats a bit on the passive side. 29/23/7 3 bet. He also has a higher cold call % OTB then most (~17% so far). I m not confident that checking the flop is the best idea but feel that no matter what I do this hand is going to get tricky if he doesnt just fold to a bet. These are spots that I struggle with I feel. Whats a good betting range and a checking range.
So as played flop is obv call, turn feels like it really should be a call, river now I m wishing I had bet the flop and he just folded lol. Range wise this is probably high enough up in my distribution that I need to be calling for balance reasons. However I take a similar line on similarish boards with some sort of slowplay (AA for example) I get a lot of bet, bet, check the river with worse then MPTK. So I m pretty torn.
What to do OTR and whats your preferred play OTF?
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