c/c 3 streets BvB
Posted by brodyz
Posted by brodyz posted in Low Stakes
c/c 3 streets BvB
HJ: omnomonoomn: $291.70
CO: victorvaughn: $245.05
BN: ninodebby: $198.50
SB: trust.me: $200
BB: saintvicious: $236.35
CO: victorvaughn: $245.05
BN: ninodebby: $198.50
SB: trust.me: $200
BB: saintvicious: $236.35
Villain 21/17/fold bvb 57/bet v missed flop cb 70/turn cb 50/wwsf 46/river agg 28 - 2,2k hands
Is this a spot where we want to fall back on game theory? Im unsure of villains frequency here so we should defend around 60% of our range to make us unexploitable?
Just trying to get my head around some gto stuff and am looking to see if im thinking about it correctly.
Is this a spot where we want to fall back on game theory? Im unsure of villains frequency here so we should defend around 60% of our range to make us unexploitable?
Just trying to get my head around some gto stuff and am looking to see if im thinking about it correctly.
(5 Players)
trust.me was dealt
omnomonoomn folds, victorvaughn folds, ninodebby folds, trust.me raises to $5, saintvicious calls $4
omnomonoomn folds, victorvaughn folds, ninodebby folds, trust.me raises to $5, saintvicious calls $4
(2 Players)
trust.me checks,
saintvicious bets $8,
trust.me calls $8
i like having this hand in my c/c range because this is a flop i will be c/folding quite often so its nice to protect my folding range.
(2 Players)
trust.me checks,
saintvicious bets $18,
trust.me calls $18
ez call
(2 Players)
trust.me checks,
saintvicious bets $44
call with a gto range?
Also what can we assume about villains range if he shows down KQo? He has alot of Tx hands in his range that can barrel here so maybe hes unbalaced in this spot?
Also what can we assume about villains range if he shows down KQo? He has alot of Tx hands in his range that can barrel here so maybe hes unbalaced in this spot?
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