Cbetting low boards
Posted by Wildspeaker
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Mid Stakes
Cbetting low boards
What kind of strategy would you guys employ on a board like 764r or 852ss or something like that?
How much will you be Cbetting in steal situations and which hands do we use? Do we have a Xc range on these boards? How about a Xr range? I find I have a hard time deciding on what to do with these boards. I knowm y opponents most likely missed them but so did I. So I am not sure if we can really go nuts with our Cbetting here. We also don't have too many hands that can really Xc comfortably either.
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I think you should specify the positions you are talking about
A general idea is that low to middle boards favor the caller whilst high cards boards favor the raiser. I would only cbet with my high card hands if my opponent folds a lot to c-bets or knows that i can have a lot of suited connectors and small pairs that nail these flop in my preflop raising range from given position. I dont think there is a solid x/calling range besides kk- aa and sets because we would like to protect our hand against overcards.
Basically that means we should be Xf these boards a lot when we have fairly wide ranges?
I am not sure calling ranges really hit low boards, I agree they hit middling boards well. But what low cards are they really calling with? We have all the PP they have (maybe more).
No, we fold when we have perceived tight ranges where we can only have overpairs but not much more value hands., When we have a maniac image or raised from LP we can have hit that board with our suited connectors and small pairs.
When they have postion on us they can easily have 54ss - 89ss which never fold your first example board.
You say steal position, you mean SB v BB then?
If thats the case i will fold alot when i check, for example QK on 258r against someone that aint folding alot to cb i think its just burning money to cb.. Flop needs to be atleast 2510 so we can contiune on more turns,On 9,J,Q,K,A we can keep betting.. but even then i think x/f is fine against manny players..
We can x/c some monsters, AA-KK and sets like someone said.. Especially sb v bb its cool bcs hes gonna be drawing dead alot and alot of fun things could happen. Obvisouly we can also x/c weaker hands, toppair, middpairs etc.. But then i se so much more value in just cb for value and protection..
For a x/r range i like to do it with sets and overpairs.. And also have some bluffs obv,
for a x/r bluff i like very weak hands with some backdoor options, like QJhh on 268hss.. Then we can also get alot of credits on spades turn
A lot of cb seems good like 80%+ or so seems good on the 852 and some xr too.
the other board probably overs esp the good ones that can 3brl like KQ.
What do you mean by overs that can 3 barrel? Would you 3 barrel KQ high on 764r? Or do you mean like 3 barrel if we happen to hit turn (or river)?
I meant we can make a strong tp on that type of board that we can value bet later.
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