CB spot?

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CB spot?

CB or check call?
cutoff is fish
button is lag
Continuation bet or check call and why?



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Tomasz K 9 years, 1 month ago

I play xc there, because:
1. It's 3 way - if we CB we look really strong -> we've got tons of FEq.
2. Its 3b pot - so they dont have many FDs in ranges.
3. I think it's max 2 street hand. So I dont lose much value if I check flop.
4. I let them bluff.

But that's only my opinion.

dsm2235 9 years, 1 month ago

I lead there because some strong aces will float that flop, all Axhh calls, any other flush draw calls, all pocket pairs call. You get a ton of calls with good hands that you beat and a lot of floats with hands that are drawing thin on a flop like that. I'd never check that flop on an anonymous site like Bovada, assuming that's where you're playing.

Let's look at all the hands that beat you that call IP against you preflop: JTs = 2 combos; KJs = 2 combos; AJs = 2 combos; AJo = 6 combos; QJs = 2 combos; 44 = combos; JJ = 1 combo; AA/KK/QQ = 3 combos bc of discount (assuming at least one of the villains would 4bet QQ+ almost every time, especially the LAG after fish calls 3bet).
Total = You lose to ROUGHLY 21 combos of hands that call your cbet.

Now let's look at all the hands which you beat: all Axhh = 10 combos; KQhh = 1 combo; T9hh = 1 combo; 98hh = 1 combo. 55-TT = 6 combos each = 36 combos. You might even add 1 or 2 combos for under pairs that call randomly call flop. For this argument, we won't add them. Lastly, we'll say the fish folds, and the LAG floats you with 1 combo of AKss with high hopes for a backdoor FD/SD.
Total = You beat ROUGHLY 50 combos of hands that call your cbet.

So you win 50/71 times when you cbet flop. That's not including the dead money you pick up from FE with a standard cbet when you don't have anything on that board and they both fold. So basically, I think it's always a cbet w/QQ, often a cbet with air, but sometimes a XF with air depending on game flow.

dsm2235 9 years, 1 month ago

Note: After some thought, I decided to take out the one combo of AKss that I thought villain might have. This is a tough question though. To answer this, we would need to determine which one of those options improves his hand the least according to his range, and that's the card we prefer. After a quick look, I think from the choices listed above, the 4s seems best bc it doesn't really change anything, and it will possibly keep flush draws from betting aggressively.

Dddogkillah 9 years, 1 month ago

what do you prefer on turn?:
1. T spade
2. 2 heart
3. 4 spade

All seems like good cards for us here, if I had to put them in order: 2♥>4♠>T♠... what do you think?

Dddogkillah 9 years, 1 month ago

Holy crow, how did I miss a hand from my favorite poster, dodge slipping. :facepalm:
I think C/C is fine, by no means is CBing a mistake. And could be a better option with the fish in the pot.
If this was I heads up spot vs reg I would be all about check calling. Check raising will be tough not many hands to rep. But we can check raise turn very aggressively on allot of cards.

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