Can we call this river?
Posted by Elmar939
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Low Stakes
Can we call this river?
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
SB: $10.00
BB: $11.21
UTG: $17.76 (Hero)
MP: $13.23
CO: $11.26
BN: $10.32
BB: $11.21
UTG: $17.76 (Hero)
MP: $13.23
CO: $11.26
BN: $10.32
SB is playing quite nitty pre (14/11) and fairly aggro postflop (sample = 88 hands)
Hero is UTG with
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Strange donk, did not know what to make from it
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Wanted to get value from QJ/QK and possibly QT. The c/r seems really strange. Only 55 is in his range to make a straight (but wouldn't be suprised if he folds that pre). Don't see him call with 76s pre and we block most QdXd combos. So there should be quite a lot of random bluffs in his range here right?
So what do you think? Are there enough bluffs in his range to make this call profitable?
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Easy bet/fold. He can have flushes and straights and 14/11 is never bluffing here especially with this sizing. And you are at the bottom of your value betting range anyway.
I would maybe have bet smaller OTR because it's a pretty thin value bet. Standard fold vs his raise.
We could make an argument for raising turn as his sizing looks weak and there are bad rivers
I know folding is standard here but I can't see villain taking this line with a hand, or is there something wrong with my way of thinking?
No, it´s called leveling :) You think he thinks that he cannot lead this river with a single pair for value but once you bet he figures you cannot call with less than a five and there turn a marginal made hand into a bluff. But you give too much respect to a NL 10 nit and therefore give him more value than he even deserves.
Dont think a nit raises a set and or checks it on the turn, so hes repping 55, QT,QJ,KQdd.
Probably Qxdd makes most sense with this line and close to zero bluffs in his range, bet/fold.
Agreed, but I don't like the sizing otr. I'm not sure we have a thin vbet here in the first place given he's a nit (prob not), and if so, I'd make it ridiculously small - like 1/5-1/4 psb. I believe we just iso ourselves with a big ass sizing.
Snap check behind OTR.
Or of course reshoving and repping the nutflush.
No way he ever folds a flush here. I wouldn't be surprised if he raise/called with a straight tbh. :D
Weird line but I'm pretty sure there are no bluffs in his range here.
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