Can someone please share a BB vs 2x SB GTO defense range?
Posted by Quido
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Low Stakes
Can someone please share a BB vs 2x SB GTO defense range?
I've been able to find a BB defense against multiple sizings from every position except for the SB. I only have BB vs 3.5x SB and 3x SB. Could someone please share BB vs 2.5x SB and 2x SB? I know the defense % but would love to see how the solver structures its polarizing 3B range.
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Um...GTOWizard does this in seconds.
No it doesn’t
Sry,gtowizard spin and go can set 2.5x and 2x size but Deep only 25bb, if you want know this special size , piosolver and monker can help you?
You can use the free trial of Rocket Solver and set up your own sim. It's pretty cool.
Here's a rough output of a defense vs 2.5bb

Vs 2bb :

Hey thanks bro much love <3
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