Can I fold QQ pre here? (large 4 bet pot oop 400bbs deep vs UTG) Live 3/5
Posted by gorillav
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Mid Stakes
Can I fold QQ pre here? (large 4 bet pot oop 400bbs deep vs UTG) Live 3/5
I'm playing live 3/5, I'm 400bbs deep effective with utg who opens to $20 and gets 4 callers. Pot is $100
I raise in the bb with QhQx to $150 and UTG tanks and reraises me to $400 (which is pretty large for a 4 bet) and it folds to me and I call.
Flop comes Ah7h4d, I check he bets $300, I fold.
I feel like playing OOP with QQ in a 4 bet pot this deep is just not a winning proposition. I'm sure folding is exploitable but I'm not really worried about being exploited in live 3/5.
Even if the flop comes all undercards I don't think I can call 3 streets let alone 2 streets.
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It's pretty close, againts a range of QQ+ and AK we do have a profitable call I'm pretty sure. If the 4bet gets tighter than that it's going to be tough and likely losing.
I would squeeze to like 200 bucks if some of the callers are weaker players with deep stacks.
Flop fold is definitely fine, your hand is really bad on Axx and Kxx flops.
So I did play a hand with the villain earlier in the same positions and he had flatted my 3 bet with QQ. If he is flatting QQ I think he is probably flatting with AKo and AKs too. Maybe 4 betting only KK+ and AKs (at some small frequency).
The thing I hate about calling here is that I'm basically set mining. And against bad regs that don't size their cbets correctly in 4 bet pots I basically need to commit ~180 bbs if the flop comes all under cards. This villain claimed he had KK and he bet $300 into ~$880 which is pretty huge.
Very useful read. I think you can definitely fold this hand then.
Even if villain was 3betting a range like QQ+ and AK and we had a profitable call, a vast majority of your EV comes from hitting a set. You can imagine how much EV you have when you flop a set, how much EV you have when the flop comes Axx or Kxx and how much your EV is with an overpair.
Yeah this is a spot in live I’d often just fold. When you’re this deep, and in these positions, think people end up having almost pure KK/AA.
If you have something to indicate he has bluffs then you can call. But honestly, it’s so rare I’d be pretty comfortable folding here preflop. This isn’t going to be the place you print a lot of money in live, and there’s a lot of places to print in live. I’d fold and move on with life and just observe table
Dynamics and make adjustments. I would tank fold and say nice hand
I see you said he flatted QQ earlier vs a 3b. If he flats that, think it’s likely AK gets flatted too, and think it’s quite standard in live environments
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