call turn shove?

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call turn shove?

so i was just wondering that 66 is better call here than FD (fd have no odds to call obv) and better than 99 (if we face some QQ+,AQ+ kindof range) and better than TT/JJ/QQ then too.

So after tightening and defending my range i came to conclussion that i would have to call this down to not let idk some AKs AQs to shove T?
On other hand i probably would call some KK/AA so i can def those before 66 and also wouldnt rise my sets OTF so i have those too but thats top of my range ott obv , but still we are just 100bb deep here so i obv have to def more than just top of my range..
Also if i had AA and was blocking the nutFDs then would actually 66 be a better defend than AA then... ?

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