BVB 3bet pot facing weird turn raise
Posted by fareed1234
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Low Stakes
BVB 3bet pot facing weird turn raise
Villan is a 17/15 reg with a 3bet in BB to small blind steal of 23% over 28 trials. i have caught him once 3betting BVB vs me with 10-7o.
First question is pre flop play, how should we proceed. I do not know his 5bet jamming range in this spot and wasn't comfortable getting in AQ here to a 5bet jam. So 4 bet folding here would be an option.
Flop is a good on for my 3bet flatting range (TT, KQ ,JJ, J10). Is flop check and then trun raise on this board doesn't rep much as I expect him to bet all his strong hands and draws, and maybe check back random 10x and Jx hands and just call my turn bet. Wasn't to sure what to make of it. Any suggestion how to proceed on turn as played or should I be looking to check turn.
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