btn vs bb 3barr bluff

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btn vs bb 3barr bluff

SB: 178.61
BB: 106.41
HJ: 107.10
CO: 239.94
BN: 278.64 (Hero)
Preflop (1.50) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt 9 T
HJ folds, CO folds, Hero raises to 2, SB folds, BB calls 1
Flop (4.50) 8 J A (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets 2.60, BB calls 2.60
Turn (9.70) 8 J A K (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets 6.39, BB calls 6.39
River (22.48) 8 J A K 5 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets 16.50, BB calls 16.50
Final Pot
Hero has 9 T BB has T K BB wins 52.48

oppo is a lag reg aggro  well balanced with c/R and stuff.

he plays after 3.3k hand 29/23, Cc bb vs btn 32%, 3bet 10

fold cbet 54, 37, 25

wtsd 32 wsd 46

FEW month ago he was a tag...

so now even he is a calling station in this texture i rep lots of strong hand more then him, i blok QT  and AJ he will 3bet somethimes, and KJ is kind of thoug spot i was thinking but he probly snap call that :D

so before looks of what he call with what u think about my TP?

AND what u will 3barreling range here will be?


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