Bovada 2/4 hit straight on river and face jam

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Bovada 2/4 hit straight on river and face jam

Bovada 2/4, 400 eff.

UTG is a passive fish who limps, BTN makes it 16 (no reads) I call in BB with T8s. UTG calls.

Flop (47) 77J r, checks through.

Turn (47) 3 r, I bet 34 UTG calls and BTN calls.

River (150) 9, I bet 122, UTG calls, BTN shoves for 344 total, hero?

Think this is standard till river. OTR V is repping 99 or JJ. However, if he can have JJ think it’s reasonable to add some A7 type hands into his range. Not sure if V is aware that UTG is a bit of a station. What do we do here?


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Flopstarr 8 years, 8 months ago

I feel like you're always getting shown 77, 99, or JJ here. Our hand looks like a 7 esp w our sizing on the river. Would be a sick bluff, there's $738 in the pot and its $222 to call. I want to fold but pot odds make it tough. I can't imagine worse betting for value here but it is Bovada I guess its a call.

OMGDardania 8 years, 8 months ago

fold. and it's not even that close, for all the reasons mentioned by you guys.

btw its not standard for me to stab turn with 2 players behind me, let alone one of them being a sticky stinky fish.

OMGDardania 8 years, 8 months ago

you need to think for yourself instead of copying stuff that nosebleed pros do.

We have to have turn bluffs...

nope, not at all.
this is a common mistake.

agreed, with 2 Phil Galfonds behind me that are capable of folding and are crushing you if you dont balance this spot, you have to have bluff range.

but.... you dont have 2 Phil Galfonds behind you.

You have 1 sticky phish behind you and 1 reg that is not good enough to afford playing reasonable stakes. probably because he cant fold either.

Stayinschool 8 years, 8 months ago

What are you talking about? Are you saying when we have a value hand we always get called down? No we don't, we are going to get folds, and very likely more folds then calls. Also what do you mean this isn't reasonable stakes? Since when is 2/4 not reasonable stakes. There are some very good regs in these games, some of which who post on here.

Even if both players are fish we have to bluff, what if they both just have A high or K high, folding them off those hands is very good. Are they going to call us down with those hands, no. Both have very wide ranges, which are unlikely to have hit the flop.

Flopstarr 8 years, 8 months ago

you need to think for yourself instead of copying stuff that nosebleed pros do.

Wat? I mean we are all here trying to get better. 2/4 online on any site has good players. THINKING players who are absolutely putting you on a range and trying to exploit you. Since Bovada is anonymous, we must play a theoretically sound game until we develop reads in game. This means balancing and trying to play a gto style until we have reason to do otherwise.

GunnJD 8 years, 8 months ago

This is one of those spots where I think we may give villains too much credit by assuming they're playing perfectly.

The possibility of him going crazy with a 7, and just deciding to get fancy in a passively played pot, would make me want to call this sometimes.

From his perspective you have a lot of junk in your BB range. Flop checked around and now you've stabbed a blank turn. Obv you're not double barreling all your range, but you'll certainly have bluffs there and prob some Jx you're folding.

Dekkers 8 years, 8 months ago

When he checks this flop and call the turn with a fish behind I think his range is, 99/TT/Jx/JJ. So on river he should turn something like TT into a bluff. I dont think he will ever do this--->fold

I cant see many 7x in his range. A7s could sometimes play like this. Lets say he plays A7s 10% of the time like this. Then he has 0.2 A7s combos while 99 is playing often like this, so 2 to 3 combo's of 99 and 0.2 combos of A7s.

OMGDardania 8 years, 8 months ago

Since Bovada is anonymous,

lol? that's logically a contradiction in itself.

Stayinschool 8 years, 8 months ago

No it is not, its a common miss conception that you only played placed to protect from being directly exploited. Even if people don't adjust to us we obviously still need to have some bluffs. People are not always going to call down, they will fold a lot of the time... even if they are fish. If we only have value bets and no bluffs they are exploiting us every time they fold, even if they don't know it.

People are going to call down sometimes, and fold sometimes. That is why you should have some bluffs, for the times they fold, and some value bets, for the times they call.

OMGDardania 8 years, 8 months ago

apologize for not expressing myself sensitively enough. will work at expressing myself more respectful in future.
likewise expect from you to accept that not all opinions have to be mainstream (especially regarding balancing) and equal to yours. rather value them as enrichment to dialogue process. freedom of speech.

Dddogkillah 8 years, 7 months ago

invest in the handconverter/ Card cathcher
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and your doing you self a disservice not using them imo.
and us for having to read these wack HH's.....
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