bottom set,donk flop,x/r turn line vs reg! 50nl!
Posted by maco
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Low Stakes
bottom set,donk flop,x/r turn line vs reg! 50nl! Co is a weak player (56/9) and mp is a reg 29/23 on 200h,didn't had much info about him. What do you think about my line,on the turn I think that a good % of his range that calls the donk is betting.
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I dont really see a reason to donk the flop on this super static board.
We have such an equity advantage against their ranges and it's unlikely this flop gets checked through when we check.
Yes, our donk should get a decent amount of calls but it's disastrous when V's fold any hand that they would have bluffed, had it been checked to them.
As played, judging by MP's preflop stats, he may be pretty active postflop (cant be sure) which means he bets allot when X'ed to but in a vaccuum once we donk flop I think we should just B/B/B. We want to get as much money in as possible and giving up the option to put in money OTT seems a bit counterproductive since you donked this flop and aren't deemed to be very strong.
If it looks stupid but it works , it aint stupid.
However you missplay your range. On this board you want to usually check your entire range and let villain bluff his misses at least once. On this dry board, you can slowplay your set and just call, hoping that villain keeps valuebetting his made hand OTF or pick up some EQ OTT and let him bet again, then go for the x/raise or slowplay further.
tho pfa not gona bet himself often if he haz like 99, so donk might be gut, turn x/r is fancy, but might workout, he can haz 44-JJ better, or AJ,QQ+ when he b/c T imo, and same range OTR, so i guess wp
I have no idea behind the thought process involved in this hand. Please tell me what range you're targeting on flop? And why check raise turn instead of just barreling after donk?
range play is to xc otf
donk is v hard to balance, but can be fine exploitatively
donkbet and xr ott is gonna scream a set to most villains and will induce total spazzes from ~5% of regs who like to level themselves
Honestly, if I were in that spot against you, and I had AA, I'm snap folding vs your turn XR, and I'm not even thinking twice about it.
As Limpson said - lead is fine to do it exploitively - just make sure you don't leave your flop checking range too capped/face up (if fish folds postflop, you're gonna get barreled to death otherwise then imo).
I would keep betting the turn,because XR just looks too damn strong. As played, at 50nl, it might be fine to just jam, because most of the player pool isn't good enough to fold TPTK/overpairs here, but vs a good reg, I would XF this river, as crazy as it might sound ;)
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