Bluffcatching OTR in microlimits

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Bluffcatching OTR in microlimits

Hello everyone, I couldnt post this hand on the hand history (told me it was invalid), but I prefer to use it more like an example of a more general question, I´ll try to explain my best.

I felt the need to detox my approach of copying and justify with no arguments my plays, and only a sight read of stats, I noticed some player pools keep doing the same especially in micros, and that the exploitative response wasn't always reach some certain percentaje of defense.

So I started with the basics, not paying off to much and transparent value betting, but now it wasnt because of following some rules of any strategy book or something, the experience and failure made me realize that the simple and correctly justified is a decent way.

But now the player pool isnt made of only those exploitative players as I am moving up, now there are those solid that know this, and are in their way of realizing their mistakes, so now I get back into that labyrinth of stats and numbers where I dont want to give up this simplified approach, I dont want to get back on applying Janda concepts bad and copy moves from RIO videos that I cannot fully justify.

I really enjoy the simplicity, but if I am going to work my ass off to find those new exploitative spots, I would like to know how do you think to reach a conclusion in this spot.

Villian 27/18 57 hands
Hasnt 3bet yet, Can I assume is calling with premium? Or is normal for 57 hands?
With this amount of hands, I cannot conclude something about its postflop play. So I decide to making him pay out of odds and I go with a assumption of their range, enough premium and draws. But then again, a kindergarden range description..

OTT I think the same range is calling, except some overpairs.
Why I suppose this is their strategy? Well i micros, I dont think they are doing a read and exploting mine high-cbet or my high fold to raise ott by experience .
But if it does, how can I combat this guys that are also exploiting on those hot spots? And more difficult when I dont have enough hands on them....can we say that they are saved by the bell of a tiny sample size?

OTR, now my pool read tells me to fold, but my desire to reach solid conclusions tell me "You dont know how to justify this call in a solid way"

So, I want to read different approachs. I would like an answer like, men you got stuck in 2009 play, we are now in the new wave of solvers, take this glasses and start to view the game of today.

Im a terrible writer I hope you got my point.

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