Bluff sizing on river Q24KA
Posted by ilares
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High Stakes
Bluff sizing on river Q24KA
HJ: 1000
CO: 1350.76
BN: 2691.70
SB: 1000
BB: 2753.01 (Hero)
UTG: 811.38
CO: 1350.76
BN: 2691.70
SB: 1000
BB: 2753.01 (Hero)
UTG: 811.38
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to 30, Hero calls 20
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to 30, Hero calls 20
vilain is a 25/21 reg, i only have 2k hands on him, but he seems fine
he open 40% on SB
and yes i know, most of you fold preflop, but i try a wide defense range against steal on BB vs SB, and since my hm2 reports says that my call with close hands like 68o have an ev>-100bb/100 vs a SB steal, so hey, seems fine
he open 40% on SB
and yes i know, most of you fold preflop, but i try a wide defense range against steal on BB vs SB, and since my hm2 reports says that my call with close hands like 68o have an ev>-100bb/100 vs a SB steal, so hey, seems fine
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets 26.79,
SB calls 26.79
i bet all my air here, bet 44/22/Q4s/Q2s i think, and KQ/QJ/QT
he x/c 25% on 20 occurences from overall postions
he x/c 25% on 20 occurences from overall postions
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets 87.35,
SB calls 87.35
his flop range is msotly Qx and 55-JJ, the K is really nice from my range, a lot of my air betting range flop has a K in it
so i think it's a pretty mandatory bet my air range here
so i think it's a pretty mandatory bet my air range here
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets 99
and here come the interesting thing
so i guess most of SB range is Qx, maybe 99-JJ, he doesn't really have KQ/AQ, i think he cbet it msot of the times
so his range his pretty weak, i know it, he know it, and again the A hit a lot of my air betting range turn
so i was going to bet 3/4 pot to make him fold Qx, but i tanked like 20sec, thinkig of my sizing with A5s, and i think i would go for a 1/3, so i gave it a try
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