Blufcathing play of villian

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Blufcathing play of villian

To prevent Hero of bluffing any 2 villian should call around 59% of his blufcathers right?(hero his bluf needs to work 41%)

I think most of his Ax are also blufcathers, since I wont bluf Ax most of the time. I made his range of blufcahters A7+.

If villian fold all of his Ahigh, then he is folding 39% of his range what beats hero his bluffs. So it looks like GTO wise villian cant ever fold a pair.

Exploitable wise

Has Hero enough potential blufs?
Hero has enough potentiaI bluffs I = think. He could bluff hands like K5o T6s K7o K8o T4s.

vs a good reg who is capable of bluffing enough never fold 1p+ here. and probably not even our best Ahigh since I asume only A7+ are blufcathers, but I think even all our Ax all blufcathers.

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