Blind wars vs reg
Posted by curvafb
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Low Stakes
Blind wars vs reg
this hand so sick for me vs this reg.. Because he is a lot of calls my opens (it's good) and I catched one times his bluff with pot size bet on the river if I check back on the turn.. And again we war for blinds.. and he pot size bets on the river.. Can I continue bet on the turn and check back on the river or bet / fold ? .. or what can I do on the river against this player ? What do you think ?
opponent stats : 28 / 24 sb open: 58 fold to 3bet from sb : 76 fold to cbet 3betpots: flop: 56 turn: 64 river: 67 river float: 50 WTSD: 28 Won When Saw Flop : 47 flop turn river agg. : 2.54 / 2.33 / 2.31 in 8K hands..
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What's with your flop sizing?! Are you trying to isolate yourself vs A9+?
It's basically a guessing game at this point. The problem is the K smashes your range pretty hard, you are never folding a Kx as played and and he still pots it, which is very weird. He reps K9s, 66, 99, A3s, maybe slowplayed AcKc or KK-AA. Even though that range is just a few combos, I would lean toward folding here, especially after you bombed the flop, which should make him fold most of his pure air.
C-bet sizing way too big. As played, probably fold river.
HH confuses me
yeah looks like maybe SB and BB got flip flopped...
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