Big Mistake on the river in 3bet pot?
Posted by puff_tuesday
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Mid Stakes
Big Mistake on the river in 3bet pot?
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
CO: $101.00 (Hero)
BN: $205.40
SB: $175.92
BB: $287.75
UTG: $40.00
MP: $102.00
BN: $205.40
SB: $175.92
BB: $287.75
UTG: $40.00
MP: $102.00
Not too many reads as new to the site, but villain has been 3/4 betting a lot and seems a good reg
Hero is CO with
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Im not sure whether or not I should just be folding this? My thoughts where that I have an overcard + backdoors and that villain is going to be cbetting this flop a fair amount of the time so it should be in my defend range. I could easily be convinced otherwise though!
In game I was thinking that he has AA/KK/AK/99 for value here, AK and AA we have a blocker too, the only credible bluffs I can see him having is JQ hearts and clubs? Again we block 1 combo of JQs. I think I just have a big leak of calling way to much on rivers and possibly on the flop too.
Final Pot
lost and shows a pair of Aces.
SB wins and shows three of a kind, Kings.
SB wins $200.00
Rake is $3.00
SB wins and shows three of a kind, Kings.
SB wins $200.00
Rake is $3.00
Interested to hear your thoughts here, I'm more of a tournament player than a cash player so certainly will be making lots of mistakes and I feel like calling off to wide on rivers is definitely a big one. Doesn't seem to be light very often, ever.
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oops sorry guys, wrong part of the forum. Feel free to move.
More like big mistake OTF by calling with A high. I believe villains 3betting strategy to be more linear in SB vs BB so we can add some KTs to KQ in his c-betting range. His c-betting strategy will exclude TT-QQ here most often. Yes, this is a common c-bet spot and you feel like often folding the best hand here, but given you have no nut equity this becomes a horrible spot as we probably need fold to any double barrel unless we imporve to a pair OTT, if so, villain will still have AA, KK ,AK, and KQ, also enough 999 in his valuebetting range that crushes us. Unless we have a certain read that villain will overestimate his FEQ and barrel any scary turn+ river, we are better of folding flop.
Agree with folding otf. After that though, the hand more or less plays itself as a calldown.
ya been looking at this a bit more and I agree, will look into the hands I am calling a cbet with a bit more. Appreciate the responses guys!
What's the bottom of you guys' ranges for calling the flop here?
Is there a benefit to having some AX hands in our flop calling range to ensure that we can call barrels on A turns? So calling with hands like AQ w/ a two-card backdoor flush draw? Guess if we're calling with that hand then that's the bottom of our range?
More like AQcc would be ok as we can at least continue calling on club turns, Tc or JC would even giv us a straight flushdraw, not that it would matter that much. Also ; I doubt ppl figure out so much exploitattion to always bluff A turns because you dont have enough ax. You still have some AK, A9 or 99 OTT to call down, which will net you more than him making you fold on 6% of A turns.
Yeah good point - I guess it's kind of a minor thing because an A turn comes so infrequently. However I don't totally agree that the villain needs to figure out anything in order to exploit us - he can do so unintentionally if he's barreling A turns a lot for some other reason, right? But yeah, it's not going to happen that often + we have hands that can call down already.
hey Robin,
I would definitely not be folding AQo here if we have some backdoor equity. I guess that would be near the bottom of our range but I am still learning this stuff.
The flop call depends on how wide he is 3betting the small blind vs the cutoff. If hes 3betting 15% its prob a call. If its 5% its a fold
Much rather have some better back door equity, being a 3-bet pot I would tilt to folding.
4bet is a option here ? I ask for Brainstorm..What do you think, 4bet / fold is ok ?
You can turn your hand into a bluff here, but it is kind of nice to go a little more polar imo. This hand is plenty strong enough to call, and forcing SB to play a three bet pot OOP is pretty sweet.
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