Big Mistake on the river in 3bet pot?

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Big Mistake on the river in 3bet pot?

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players) CO: $101.00 (Hero)
BN: $205.40
SB: $175.92
BB: $287.75
UTG: $40.00
MP: $102.00
Not too many reads as new to the site, but villain has been 3/4 betting a lot and seems a good reg
Preflop ($1.50) Hero is CO with Q A
MP folds, Hero raises to $3.00, BN folds, SB raises to $8.00, BB folds, Hero calls $5.00
Flop ($17.00) 9 2 K
SB bets $9.00, Hero calls $9.00
Im not sure whether or not I should just be folding this? My thoughts where that I have an overcard + backdoors and that villain is going to be cbetting this flop a fair amount of the time so it should be in my defend range. I could easily be convinced otherwise though!
Turn ($35.00) 9 2 K A
SB bets $16.00, Hero calls $16.00
River ($67.00) 9 2 K A 4
SB bets $142.92 and is all in, Hero calls $68.00 and is all in
In game I was thinking that he has AA/KK/AK/99 for value here, AK and AA we have a blocker too, the only credible bluffs I can see him having is JQ hearts and clubs? Again we block 1 combo of JQs. I think I just have a big leak of calling way to much on rivers and possibly on the flop too.
Final Pot CO lost and shows a pair of Aces.
SB wins and shows three of a kind, Kings.
SB wins $200.00
Rake is $3.00

Interested to hear your thoughts here, I'm more of a tournament player than a cash player so certainly will be making lots of mistakes and I feel like calling off to wide on rivers is definitely a big one. Doesn't seem to be light very often, ever.


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Disharmonist 9 years, 1 month ago

More like big mistake OTF by calling with A high. I believe villains 3betting strategy to be more linear in SB vs BB so we can add some KTs to KQ in his c-betting range. His c-betting strategy will exclude TT-QQ here most often. Yes, this is a common c-bet spot and you feel like often folding the best hand here, but given you have no nut equity this becomes a horrible spot as we probably need fold to any double barrel unless we imporve to a pair OTT, if so, villain will still have AA, KK ,AK, and KQ, also enough 999 in his valuebetting range that crushes us. Unless we have a certain read that villain will overestimate his FEQ and barrel any scary turn+ river, we are better of folding flop.

puff_tuesday 9 years, 1 month ago

ya been looking at this a bit more and I agree, will look into the hands I am calling a cbet with a bit more. Appreciate the responses guys!

robinfromthehood 9 years, 1 month ago

What's the bottom of you guys' ranges for calling the flop here?

Is there a benefit to having some AX hands in our flop calling range to ensure that we can call barrels on A turns? So calling with hands like AQ w/ a two-card backdoor flush draw? Guess if we're calling with that hand then that's the bottom of our range?

Disharmonist 9 years, 1 month ago

More like AQcc would be ok as we can at least continue calling on club turns, Tc or JC would even giv us a straight flushdraw, not that it would matter that much. Also ; I doubt ppl figure out so much exploitattion to always bluff A turns because you dont have enough ax. You still have some AK, A9 or 99 OTT to call down, which will net you more than him making you fold on 6% of A turns.

robinfromthehood 9 years, 1 month ago

Yeah good point - I guess it's kind of a minor thing because an A turn comes so infrequently. However I don't totally agree that the villain needs to figure out anything in order to exploit us - he can do so unintentionally if he's barreling A turns a lot for some other reason, right? But yeah, it's not going to happen that often + we have hands that can call down already.

puff_tuesday 9 years, 1 month ago

hey Robin,

I would definitely not be folding AQo here if we have some backdoor equity. I guess that would be near the bottom of our range but I am still learning this stuff.


Dog18 9 years, 1 month ago

The flop call depends on how wide he is 3betting the small blind vs the cutoff. If hes 3betting 15% its prob a call. If its 5% its a fold

Dddogkillah 9 years, 1 month ago

Much rather have some better back door equity, being a 3-bet pot I would tilt to folding.

Final Pot
CO lost and shows a pair of Aces.
SB wins and shows three of a kind, Kings.
SB wins $200.00
Rake is $3.00


curvafb 9 years, 1 month ago

4bet is a option here ? I ask for Brainstorm..What do you think, 4bet / fold is ok ?

Dddogkillah 9 years, 1 month ago

You can turn your hand into a bluff here, but it is kind of nice to go a little more polar imo. This hand is plenty strong enough to call, and forcing SB to play a three bet pot OOP is pretty sweet.

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