Bet, bet, shove? 100nl
Posted by WM2K
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Low Stakes
Bet, bet, shove? 100nl
Villain is a reg who over my sample plays his button quite aggressively. He folds to 3 bets ~70% IP, don t have any reads that he s a station, WTSD 23%.
OTR he can def have 88, maybe 55 but unlikely, maybe a lite KQs or KJs float?, A5s?, soemtimes like Axdd (AQ,AJ,AT most likely). Also 99-JJ is likely as well. He only 4 bets 2% so far over the sample so not confident he always 4 bets JJ (although its probably correct to vs me).
So the river shove here is potentially very thin and mostly a range play. What I mean is I have the potential to bet bet shove a lot of bluffs if he s folding all his worse hands.
What would you do and why?
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